Karl Lagerfeld shoots his personal bodyguard

Meet Sebastien Jondeau in the LAGERFELD FW1314 campaign making of.  Sebastien is Karl Lagerfeld’s personal assistant for over a decade. Not only a PA to Karl, but his personal security, Sebastien says:

“I spend all my time with him. He’s my boss and I respect him.”

Asked if he would go to any length protecting the designer in the event of danger, Jondeau looks right in the camera and says:

Sebastien Jondeau

“Of course, to the end. I have no limits, to protect him at least!”

Welcome to Maketh The Man, a lifestyle and travel blog by Callum Watt and Anton Welcome.

Maketh The Man launched in 2010 as a home to showcase male jewellery. From the best chunky necklaces to our favourite signet rings. Whilst the Mark Twain quote does say "Clothes maketh the man", we actually think its the finer details that make an outfit really pop. Hence why we decided to focus our attention on how to accessorize your wardrobe.

We quickly expanded our coverage to include all accessories from the best footwear, to the most stylish bags and pocket squares.

Today Maketh The Man has grown to be one of the UKs top male lifestyle blogs covering a range of different categories. From the greatest holiday destinations to the tastiest cocktail or finest whisky recommendations, with a healthy dose of technology and grooming thrown in.